Scala in 2025

How to Start, What to Learn

What is Scala?

  • Combines Object-Oriented and Functional Programming
  • Runs on JVM, JavaScript, and Native platforms

Academic Roots

  • Developed at EPFL, by Martin Odersky
  • Community-driven evolution rather than corporate interests

Before we move on ☝️

Something too obvious? something missing?
Ping me on Slack

Why try Scala?

  1. Type-Driven Development
  2. Multi-Platform Support
  3. Ecosystem Diversity
  4. Career Growth
  5. Modern Features

Type-Driven Development

  1. // The compiler catches errors before runtime
  2. case class User(name: String, age: PosInt)
  3. val user = User("John Doe", -1) // this won't compile

Multi-Platform Support

  1. // Same code, different platforms
  2. object HelloWorld {
  3. def sayHello(): String = "Hello, World!"
  4. }
  5. // JVM: scala-cli run .
  6. // JS: scala-cli --platform js run .
  7. // Native: scala-cli --platform native run .

Ecosystem Diversity

Choose your style:

  1. // Object-Oriented with Play
  2. class UserController extends Controller {
  3. def users = Action { Ok(getUsers()) }
  4. }
  5. // Functional with Cats Effect
  6. def users[F[_]: Async]: F[List[User]] = UserRepo[F].findAll
  7. // Script-style with Cask
  8. @get("/users") def users() = getUserList()

Career Growth

  • Strong presence in fintech and streaming platforms
  • High demand in data engineering and distributed systems
  • Competetive salaries

Modern Features

  1. // Pattern matching
  2. value match {
  3. case Success(data) => process(data)
  4. case Failure(err) => handleError(err)
  5. }
  6. // Extension methods
  7. extension (n: Int) {
  8. def squared: Int = n * n
  9. }
  10. 5.squared
  11. // Context functions
  12. def setup(using Config): Unit = ???
  13. given Config = loadConfig()
  14. setup()

IDE Choice

IDE Choice: IntelliJ

  1. Download IntelliJ IDEA (Community or Ultimate)
  2. Install Scala plugin: Settings → Plugins → "Scala"

IntelliJ: Pros & Cons

✅ Familiar interface for Java/PyCharm users, rich features out of the box
❌ Compiler errors can be out of sync, non-open-source editor

IntelliJ: Install

IDE Choice: Metals

Language Server that works with VS Code, Vim, Emacs, and others.

Install through your editor's extension marketplace.

Metals: Pros & Cons

✅ Always in sync with compiler, supports latest features
❌ Experience varies between editors

Metals: Install

Build Tools Overview

Manage dependencies, compile code, and run tests

scala-cli: The Simple Choice

  • ❌ Not technically a build tool
  • ✅ Nobody cares

scala-cli: The Simple Choice

Modern, user-friendly build tool designed for:

  • Single-file scripts
  • Small projects
  • Quick prototypes

scala-cli: Install

Just install Scala!

scala-cli: Perfect for Learning

  1. // add dependencies
  2. //> using dep com.lihaoyi::pprint:0.9.0
  3. // define scala version
  4. //> using scala 3.3.5
  5. @main def hello() =
  6. pprint.log("No build config needed!")

scala-cli: Just run it

  1. # Run a single file
  2. scala Hello.scala
  3. scala-cli Hello.scala
  4. # ☝ if you installed from

sbt: The Power Tool

Industry standard build tool for:

  • Multi-module projects
  • Complex dependency management
  • Custom build tasks
  • Code generation

sbt: Project Structure

  1. build.sbt # build config
  2. project/
  3. # sbt version
  4. plugins.sbt # plugins
  5. src/
  6. main/
  7. scala/ # source code
  8. test/
  9. scala/ # test code

sbt: Configuration Example

  1. // build.sbt
  2. name := "my-project"
  3. version := "0.1.0"
  4. lazy val root = (project in file("."))
  5. .settings(
  6. scalaVersion := "3.3.1",
  7. libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  8. "org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "3.5.4",
  9. "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.2.15" % Test
  10. )
  11. )

When to Use What?

  • Learning Scala
  • Scripts & prototyping
  • Single-module applications
  • Multi-module applications
  • Code generation
  • Managing CI/CD pipelines

Mill: Alternative

Flavors of Scala

Coding styles and frameworks

Cask: Flask but for Scala

Li Haoyi Style

Inspired by Python's Flask

Li Haoyi Style: Getting Started

Create new directory and file:

  1. mkdir cask-demo
  2. cd cask-demo
  3. touch app.scala

Li Haoyi Style: Web Server with Cask

  1. //> using dep "com.lihaoyi::cask:0.9.2"
  2. object app extends cask.MainRoutes:
  4. def greet(name: String) = s"Hello, $name!"
  5. @cask.get("/users/:userId")
  6. def user(userId: Int) =
  7. val users = Map(1 -> "Alice", 2 -> "Bob")
  8. users.getOrElse(userId, "User not found")
  9. initialize()
  10. // Start server
  11. @main def run() =
  12. cask.main.Main.main(args = Array("app"))

Li Haoyi Style: Testing the API

Run with: scala-cli app.scala

  1. # Test the endpoints
  2. curl http://localhost:8080
  3. curl -X POST -d "name=John" http://localhost:8080/greet
  4. curl http://localhost:8080/users/1

Li Haoyi: Development platform

There's more: Scalatags, FastParse, uTest, uPickle, Ammonite, Sourcecode, Mill, PPrint, OS-Lib, Requests-Scala, Cask, MainArgs, ScalaSql

Read more in 12 years of the com.lihaoyi Scala Platform

Play Framework: Web Development

Full-stack framework with all of the components you need to build a Web Application or a REST service

Play Framework: Stack

Play Framework: Web Development

Start with sbt:

  1. sbt new play-scala-seed.g8
  2. cd play-scala-seed
  3. sbt run

Play Framework: Hello World

  1. // app/controllers/HelloController.scala
  2. package controllers
  3. import javax.inject._
  4. import play.api.mvc._
  5. @Singleton
  6. class HelloController @Inject()(val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents)
  7. extends BaseController {
  8. def hello() = Action { implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>
  9. Ok("Hello, World!") // here goes your logic
  10. }
  11. }

Play Framework: Route Configuration

  1. # conf/routes
  2. GET /hello controllers.HelloController.hello()

Run sbt run and visit http://localhost:9000/hello to see your message!

Cats Effect

The pure asynchronous runtime for Scala

Cats Effect: Dependencies

  1. //> using dep "org.typelevel::cats-effect:3.5.4"
  2. import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp, Resource}
  3. import cats.syntax.parallel._

Cats Effect: database connection

  1. object DbConnection {
  2. def connect(name: String): IO[DbConnection]
  3. }
  4. class DbConnection {
  5. def query[A](sql: String): IO[A] = ???
  6. def close: IO[Unit]
  7. }

Cats Effect: Read file

  1. import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths}
  2. import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
  3. def listFiles: IO[List[UserFiles]] = {
  4. IO.blocking {
  5. Files.list(Paths.get("."))
  6. .iterator()
  7. .asScala
  8. .filter(_.toString.endsWith(".txt"))
  9. .toList
  10. }
  11. }

Cats Effect: Program

  1. object Demo extends IOApp.Simple {
  2. def createConnection(name: String): Resource[IO, DbConnection] =
  3. Resource.make(DbConnection.connect(name))(_.close)
  4. def run: IO[Unit] = {
  5. val program = (
  6. createConnection("users").use(_.query[User]("SELECT ...")),
  7. createConnection("prefs").use(_.query[UserPrefs]("SELECT ...")),
  8. listFiles
  9. ).parMapN{(user, prefs, files) =>
  10. s"${} uses ${prefs.theme} theme in files ${files}"
  11. }
  12. program.handleErrorWith(err =>
  13. IO.raiseError(new Exception("Failed: " + err.getMessage))
  14. )
  15. }
  16. }


Concurrent, distributed, resilient systems with Actor model

Pekko: Actor Systems

Create new project:

  1. mkdir pekko-demo
  2. cd pekko-demo
  3. touch Counter.scala

Pekko: Message Protocol

  1. //> using dep "org.apache.pekko::pekko-actor-typed:1.0.2"
  2. import{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Behavior}
  3. import
  4. object Counter:
  5. // Define messages our actor can receive
  6. enum Message:
  7. case Increment
  8. case GetValue(replyTo: ActorRef[Int])

Pekko: Actor Implementation

  1. object Counter:
  2. // Previous Message definition...
  3. def apply(): Behavior[Message] = counter(0)
  4. private def counter(value: Int): Behavior[Message] =
  5. Behaviors.receive { (context, message) =>
  6. message match
  7. case Message.Increment =>
  8. println(s"Incrementing counter to ${value + 1}")
  9. counter(value + 1)
  10. case Message.GetValue(replyTo) =>
  11. replyTo ! value
  12. Behaviors.same
  13. }

Pekko: Running the System

  1. @main def run() =
  2. // Create the actor system
  3. val system = ActorSystem(Counter(), "CounterSystem")
  4. // Create an actor to receive responses
  5. val printer = ActorSystem(
  6. Behaviors.receive[Int] { (context, msg) =>
  7. println(s"Current value: $msg")
  8. Behaviors.same
  9. },
  10. "printer"
  11. )
  12. // Send messages
  13. system ! Counter.Message.Increment
  14. system ! Counter.Message.Increment
  15. system ! Counter.Message.GetValue(printer.ref)
  16. // Keep the program running
  17. Thread.sleep(1000)
  18. // Shutdown
  19. system.terminate()
  20. printer.terminate()

Pekko: Running the Example

Run the program:

  1. scala-cli Counter.scala


  1. Incrementing counter to 1
  2. Incrementing counter to 2
  3. Current value: 2

That's just the beginning!

Other Popular Flavors

  • Spark: Big data processing
  • Functional streams with FS2
  • ZIO: Effect system with built-in dependency injection
  • Kyo: Novel approach based on algebraic effects
  • Gears: Experimental async programming for Scala
  • Casual FP: Mix and match functional concepts
  • And a lot more


Learning is a process

There are plenty of ways to learn

  1. Courses
  2. Books
  3. Blogs
  4. Forums
  5. Meetups and conferences


Functional Programming in Scala Specialization

(a.k.a.) Coursera Course

Co-authored by Martin Odersky, author of Scala

Functional Programming in Scala Specialization

5 courses specialization

  1. Functional Programming Principles in Scala
  2. Functional Program Design in Scala
  1. Parallel programming
  2. Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark
  3. Functional Programming in Scala Capstone

Rock the JVM

Led by Daniel Ciocîrlan, offers Scala courses all proficiency levels

Rock the JVM: Discount code!

Rock the JVM: Discount code!


Alvin's Courses

Created by Alvin Alexander, author of,
"Functional Programming, Simplified", "Scala Cookbook"

Offers free Scala courses at

Youtube channels

Podcasts & talks

Scala Space · Scala for fun and profit · Softwafemill · Scaladays


Rock The Jvm · Jakub Kozłowski · Dev inside you · IntelliJ IDEA, a JetBrains IDE

And more



Programming in Scala

Comprehensive guide by Martin Odersky

Grokking functional programming

by Michał Płachta easy way to learn functional programming for those familiar with the OOP ideas

Functional Programming Strategies In Scala with Cats

by Noel Welsh, compendium on learning Cats library


Functional programming in Scala

a.k.a. "The red book", your go-to book for hands-on, advanced functional programming

Practical FP in Scala

For those familiar with functional programming in Scala who are yet not confident about architecting an application from scratch

Functional Event-Driven Architecture

Explore the event-driven architecture (EDA) in a purely functional way.

Many more





Your go-to list of forums, chat rooms, local user groups, and conferences


Scala Poland 🇵🇱 on Slack
Scala on discord
Reddit r/scala
Scala Users Discourse
Scala Contributors Discourse


IntelliJ · Scalameta · Play Framework · Typelevel · ZIO · Laminar · Smithy4s · indigo · Scala Space · Business4s · Creative Scala

Meetups 🎙️

  • London Scala User Group
  • Warsaw Scala Enthusiasts
  • Kraków Scala User Group
  • Wrocław Scala User Group
  • Bay Area Scala
  • SF Scala
  • Scala Bay
  • Atlanta Scala
  • Dallas Scala Enthusiasts
  • Functional World (online)

Meetups & conferences

Scalendar by Scalac


Scala Times by Softwaremill
This week in Scala by Petr Zapletal
Scala feed on Bluesky

Wrapping up

Start Your Journey

  1. Begin with scala-cli and simple scripts
  2. Pick a style that feels natural
  3. Join the community (Slack, Discord, Reddit)
  4. Learn by building real projects

Thank you!

Keep in touch! 🤝

Linkedin: Michał Pawlik
Github: majk-p

Talk plan 1. Briefly what Scala is * OOP and FP * Multiplatform * Backed by academia, not corporations 2. IDEs * Intellij * How to install * Scala plugin ( * Pros (out of the box, familiar for Java devs/Pycharm users) * Cons (errors can be out of sync, non OSS editor) * Metals * How to install (Editor of choice) * Pros (in sync with the compiler, latest compiler features) * Cons (unequal experience across editors, requires reimport more often than intellij) 3. Build tools * What are they * sbt, scala-cli, just mention mill * scala-cli good enough for starters 4. Flavors of Scala * Good old OOP with * Python like with Li Haoi * Direct style concurrency with Ox * Hardcore FP with Cats Effect * Actors with Pekko/Akka * Many more * ZIO * Spark * Casual FP * Everything in between 5. Benefits of giving it a try (key takeaways) * Scala fits many problem spaces, perhaps it fits yours * Type system can make the experience safer and more pleasant * Multi-platforming across JVM, JS and Native is an added benefit * Learn a lot, broaden your horizons * Coding styles can be mixed ideas: * consider mentioning companies that use Scala * list learning resources, probably done best next to each subpoint of #4 todos: * validate code samples, perhaps extract them with mdoc * verify the dependencies, if they are necessary and on latest versions

In my private opinion, two first should be mandatory. Even if you don't plan to use Scala professionally, it teaches you a lot about functional programming techinques

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